- Emulsification of fatsEmulsification of fats
- Arterial supply to the liver, small intestine and spleenArterial supply to the liver, small intestine...
- Venous supply to the small intestine, Liver and SpleenVenous supply to the small intestine, Liver...
- Pancreatic surgery with preserving the spleenPancreatic surgery with preserving the spleen
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- Transjugular ntrahepatisk portosystemisk shuntTransjugular ntrahepatisk portosystemisk shunt
- Pancreaticobiliary maljunctionPancreaticobiliary maljunction
- Todani classificationTodani classification
- Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS-1)Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS-1)
- one-anastomosis gastric bypassone-anastomosis gastric bypass
- Single anastomosis sleeve ileal (SASI) bypassSingle anastomosis sleeve ileal (SASI) bypass
- Gastric sleeve surgeryGastric sleeve surgery
- Liver segmentsLiver segments
- The digestive system with the hepatic portal vesselsThe digestive system with the hepatic portal...
- Liver with gallbladder and bileductLiver with gallbladder and bileduct
- liver anatomy and histologyliver anatomy and histology
- Pancreatic cancer removal with a central pancreatic resectionPancreatic cancer removal with a central pancreatic...
- Pancreas with enlargement of islets of langerhans and acinusPancreas with enlargement of islets of langerhans...
- Ultrasound of liverUltrasound of liver
- Lower igestive tract with vesselsLower igestive tract with vessels
- PSC and Celiac diseasePSC and Celiac disease
- tumor in panceastumor in panceas
- The blood supply to the spleen, liver and pancreasThe blood supply to the spleen, liver...
- Different techniques of portal vein repair due to a cancerous tumor invasionDifferent techniques of portal vein repair due...
- normal anatomy of liver,gallbladder, spleen & pancreas with vesselsnormal anatomy of liver,gallbladder, spleen & pancreas...
- normal anatomy of digestive systemnormal anatomy of digestive system
- organ donation of a liver segment (Liver replacement)organ donation of a liver segment (Liver...
- The digestive system in a manThe digestive system in a man
- The digestive system in a childThe digestive system in a child
- Celiac disease and PSCCeliac disease and PSC
- Liver with blood supply and pancreas (gallbladder is removed)Liver with blood supply and pancreas (gallbladder...
- Pancreatic tumorsPancreatic tumors
- Displacement of organs during pregnancyDisplacement of organs during pregnancy
- lateral view of female organsystemslateral view of female organsystems
- gallbladder Removal Surgery (Cholecystectomy)gallbladder Removal Surgery (Cholecystectomy)
- liver with blood supply, gall bladder, stomach and pancreasliver with blood supply, gall bladder, stomach...
- Gallbladder Removal Surgery (Cholecystectomy)Gallbladder Removal Surgery (Cholecystectomy)
- insulin injection with pinched skin foldinsulin injection with pinched skin fold
- pancreas with beta cellspancreas with beta cells
- gall stonesgall stones
- common sites for gallstonescommon sites for gallstones
- digestive organs with kidney and bladderdigestive organs with kidney and bladder
- Digestive system with blood supplyDigestive system with blood supply
- Primary Sclerosing CholangitisPrimary Sclerosing Cholangitis
- Normal liverNormal liver
- Chronic pancreatitisChronic pancreatitis
- Liver segmentsLiver segments
- arterial blood supply to liver, stomach and spleenarterial blood supply to liver, stomach and...
- Liver with blood vesselsLiver with blood vessels
- Pancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer
- Hepatocytes, liver vessels and lymphatic vesselsHepatocytes, liver vessels and lymphatic vessels
- Liver structureLiver structure
- Cirrhotic liverCirrhotic liver
- PanceasPanceas
- LiverLiver
- Liver with blood vesselsLiver with blood vessels
- CholecystectomyCholecystectomy
- Liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreasLiver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas
- Liver, gallbladder and pancreasLiver, gallbladder and pancreas
- GallstonesGallstones
- The gallbladder with pancreatic ductThe gallbladder with pancreatic duct
- GallstonesGallstones
- Gallblader, duodenum and pancreasGallblader, duodenum and pancreas

Mammary gland
Gland lobules, ampulla, lactiferous ducts, nipple and areola, suspensory ligaments and fat tissue
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