- Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS-1)Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS-1)
- Cushing syndromeCushing syndrome
- Transport of T4 and T3 through the blood-brain-barrierTransport of T4 and T3 through the...
- The thymus glandThe thymus gland
- insulin secretion from the beta cells in the pancreas to the circulatory systeminsulin secretion from the beta cells in...
- Insulin´s pathway to target cellsInsulin´s pathway to target cells
- Pituitary glandPituitary gland
- Endocrine organsEndocrine organs
- anterior view of the thyroid gland with blood blood supply and nervesanterior view of the thyroid gland with...
- lateral view of the thyroid gland with blood and nerve supplylateral view of the thyroid gland with...
- juvenile diabetes with insulin secretionjuvenile diabetes with insulin secretion
- inuslin patch subcutaneouslyinuslin patch subcutaneously
- insulin injection with pinched skin foldinsulin injection with pinched skin fold
- pancreas with beta cellspancreas with beta cells
- The endocrine systemThe endocrine system
- The endocrine systemThe endocrine system
- location of the thyroid gland showing an enlargement of the colloid-filled folicleslocation of the thyroid gland showing an...
- The endocrine system with endocrine organs in a femaleThe endocrine system with endocrine organs in...
- The endocrine system with endocrine organs in a female and a maleThe endocrine system with endocrine organs in...
- Location of the pituitary glandLocation of the pituitary gland
- The endocrine systemThe endocrine system
- Parthyroid glands on the posterior surface of the thyroid glandParthyroid glands on the posterior surface of...
- The location of the parthyroid glands on the posterior surface of the thyroid glandThe location of the parthyroid glands on...
- The thyroid glandThe thyroid gland
- The pancreas, location with enlargement of the islets of LangerhansThe pancreas, location with enlargement of the...
- Adrenal glandAdrenal gland
The endocrine system
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