- Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS-1)Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 (APS-1)
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- eye damage from a welding accidenteye damage from a welding accident
- rash below the eyerash below the eye
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- fourescein coloring of eyefourescein coloring of eye
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- blepharitisblepharitis
- acute glacomaacute glacoma
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- epiglottitisepiglottitis
- sinusitissinusitis
- lateral view of the nasal cavity with sinuseslateral view of the nasal cavity with...
- EthmoiditisEthmoiditis
- digital nerve and median nerve innervation (palmar viewdigital nerve and median nerve innervation (palmar...
- n. radialis, sensory innervationn. radialis, sensory innervation
- BPAP oxygen maskBPAP oxygen mask
- pollen allergy with mast cell action and symptomspollen allergy with mast cell action and...
- Macular degeneration, wet typeMacular degeneration, wet type
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- foveas developmentfoveas development
- retinopathy of prematurityretinopathy of prematurity
- tonguetongue
- vitreous detachmentvitreous detachment
- retinal detachmentretinal detachment
- cross section of eyelidcross section of eyelid
- Childīs eye showing a stye (hordeolum).Childīs eye showing a stye (hordeolum).
- Sagittal section of the eye demonstrating its layersSagittal section of the eye demonstrating its...
- Sagittal section of the eye demonstrating its layersSagittal section of the eye demonstrating its...
- The process of conversion of sound waves into mechanical vibrations: the physiology of hearingThe process of conversion of sound waves...
- Placement of the inner ears in the head seen from abovePlacement of the inner ears in the...
- Accommodation of the lens, near image (left) and distant image (right)Accommodation of the lens, near image (left)...
- The vesibular systemThe vesibular system
- Structures of the auricle (the left ear)Structures of the auricle (the left ear)
- Section through the retina with a simpified view of the layers of the retina with rod cells, cone ceSection through the retina with a simpified...
- The olfactory receptive area in the roof of the nasal cavity, medial view, showing olafactory epithThe olfactory receptive area in the roof...
- The stimulation of the hair cells by the tectorial membrane in the organ of CortiThe stimulation of the hair cells by...
- The semicircular canalsThe semicircular canals
- The bony labyrinth of the inner ear with the oval and round window and cranial nerve VIII visibleThe bony labyrinth of the inner ear...
- Tympanic membraneTympanic membrane
- Fluid-buildup in the middle ear due to a middle ear infection (otitis media)Fluid-buildup in the middle ear due to...
- Enlargement shows a middle ear infection (otitis media) pressing the tympanic membrane outwardEnlargement shows a middle ear infection (otitis...
- External, middle and inner earsExternal, middle and inner ears
- Structures of the auricle (the left ear)Structures of the auricle (the left ear)
- Structures of the auricle (the left ear)Structures of the auricle (the left ear)
- Right and left visual fields and the overlapping binocular region and the pathways of the nerve fibeRight and left visual fields and the...
- Rod cells (blue) and cone cells (yellow)Rod cells (blue) and cone cells (yellow)
- Section through the retina with its major layersSection through the retina with its major...
- Accommodation of the lens, near image (left) and distant image (right)Accommodation of the lens, near image (left)...
- Lateral veiw of the eye ballLateral veiw of the eye ball
- Lateral view of the extrinsic eye muscles of the right eyeLateral view of the extrinsic eye muscles...
- Light (right) and dark (left) adaptation of the pupilLight (right) and dark (left) adaptation of...
- Anterior view of the right eye of a child with blue eye colorAnterior view of the right eye of...
- Anterior view of the right eye of a child with brown eye colorAnterior view of the right eye of...
- Anterior view of the right eye with blue eye colorAnterior view of the right eye with...
- Anterior view of the eye with lacrimal structuresAnterior view of the eye with lacrimal...
- The spesific taste-sensitive areas of the tongue. Yellow shows bitter, light blue sour, green salty,The spesific taste-sensitive areas of the tongue....
- External, middle and inner earsExternal, middle and inner ears
- Placement of the inner ears in the head seen from above. Enlargement shows the inner ear and the movPlacement of the inner ears in the...
- The chochlea with the round window visibleThe chochlea with the round window visible
- Anterior view of the right eye with brown eye colorAnterior view of the right eye with...
- Tympatic membrane seen during acute otitisTympatic membrane seen during acute otitis
- From left to right: sagittal section of the eye showing accommodation of the lensFrom left to right: sagittal section of...
- The specific taste-sensitive areas of the tongueThe specific taste-sensitive areas of the tongue
- The specific taste-sensitive areas of the tongueThe specific taste-sensitive areas of the tongue
- The olfactory receptive area in the roof of the nasal cavity, medial viewThe olfactory receptive area in the roof...
- Three-dimensional structure of the tectorial membrane and hair cell complex of the organ of CortiThree-dimensional structure of the tectorial membrane and...
- The process of conversion of sound waves into mechanical vibrations: the physiology of hearingThe process of conversion of sound waves...
- The outer, middle and inner ear with an enlargement of the inner earThe outer, middle and inner ear with...
- The placement of the inner ears in a childThe placement of the inner ears in...
- External, middle and inner earsExternal, middle and inner ears
- External, middle and inner earsExternal, middle and inner ears
- Anterior view of a girl showing the placement of the external, middle and inner earsAnterior view of a girl showing the...
- Sagittal section of the eye with an enlargement showing 3 rod cells and 2 cone cells in the retinaSagittal section of the eye with an...
- Opthalmoscopic view of the retina showing the posterior wall of the retinaOpthalmoscopic view of the retina showing the...
- Sagittal section of the eye demonstrating its layersSagittal section of the eye demonstrating its...
- Sagittal section of the eye showing accommodation of the lens while viewing a near objectSagittal section of the eye showing accommodation...
- Anterior view of the a female showing the placement of the external, middle and inner ears. EnlargemAnterior view of the a female showing...
The sensory system
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